Taking a Breather to Reduce Stress

Taking a Breather to Reduce Stress

Rush to work . . . fight traffic . . .endless to-dos . . . midday appointments . . . demanding bosses and unreasonable requests . .  the stress and tension just builds all day.  It is easy to get bogged down and wound up.

As much as I would love to leave work for a lunchtime yoga class or go for an after work hour-long run, it just isn't possible.  Instead, I grab 5- to 15- minute mini breaks throughout the day.  Studies show that taking short 'breathers' during the day breaks up stress and boosts creativity.  I personally find that I feel a little refreshed and more focused - whether it's just closing my eyes and breathing at my desk, or getting up to go outside and walk in crunchy pine needles and leaves.  

There are so many ways to take a break - I have a colleague that takes a few minutes every day to add another scribble to her epic doodle, and another who closes his office door to stand on his head for a few seconds.  I don't think that there are any rules - the only requirement is that you temporarily check out and let yourself chill.  Give it a try!